I have been hearing quite a lot about how everybody these days is becoming a fashion blogger or a reader of books and people, who are non-bloggers or non-readers (if there's such a word) have all the time of course to criticise those who do. Also there are those who actually do these things and I guess they feel too confident in themselves and justified to judge who can read books or who should be a fashion blogger. I'm a believer of the saying, live and let live; I have not yet found a critique, yet, because fortunately people seem to think I have a good sense of style and I'm not even sure how I feel about this because my purpose every waking day is to defy the norm, to wear something so 'outrageous' that people will actually not get it-guess this is to mean I haven't fulfilled my objective, yet. But all these is beside the point, sometimes I think I judge myself too much and it results to me feeling out of my element and as a result end up doing nothing constructive-this should be a luxury only afforded by people who've already ventured into what they'd love to do for the rest of their lives-that's what I keep telling myself and on such days like this, it actually works and I end up posting on the blog, and bearing my soul bout non-issues lol.
anywho, this was for a shoot that I did for a wonderful soul, Closet 57, it was a lot of fun with the best photographer in town Sam Ngengi
Thanks for reading!
All items-Closet 57