Thursday, 11 August 2016


Just how do we achieve it?

Photography: Sam Ngengi

As I write this, I’m thinking of a recent Facebook status by my friend about how there’s a whole plethora of articles, books and even videos about how to lose weight and hardly any on how to gain weight. It’s a real problem that needs real fixing. In the African society, a woman who has a little meat on her is considered beautiful; skinny is related more to emaciation and undernourishment. I am of the latter group. I wasn’t like that until a couple of years ago when I joined university and I shed all extra weight. The crude remarks I’d get, from family especially, was enough to cause me real stress. I seriously thought there was something wrong with me. But with time I did come to accept myself, baby fat is called that for a reason period

There were days I would think of nothing other than how to gain weight. Thus, knowingly or unknowingly, I developed bad eating habits. We skinny people pride ourselves in eating whatever and nothing happens, and that can be dangerous at times. In the exercise world, we are referred to as ‘hard gainers’. 

You might or might not know this, but what you eat affects your skin and daily mood (and that goes for everybody). Bad eating habits lead to break outs, sluggishness and a whole myriad of other problems to do with your digestive system.  I would like to get it out there though that wanting to gain or lose a little does not mean that you are not confident with the way you are at the moment, it just means that you are in control of your life and can do as you wish, and that you think you can do better. Personally, the only reason I would like to gain a little is because doctors  seem to think that my weight is a little less than what it should be for a person my height, it’s nothing alarming though but being clinically underweight, if caution is not taken, is just as dangerous as being obese, if not more.  

These, ladies and gentlemen, are the top ways of gaining weight, in a healthy way. I am going to be trying it myself, probably give it like three months.

1. Eat more often than you normally would. First make sure to eat three meals a day, then snack like twice or three times a day. Healthy snacks though, like dates, milk, fruits and vegetables.

2. Good carbs and good fats. Most skinny people have an ‘overactive’ metabolism rate. So eating more calories is key. However the trick to this is feeding on good calories from healthy fats and carbs. Forget about those Sanford or Chicken House fries that have become a daily routine. Those will do you more harm than good. If it’s too much a commitment for you to leave them completely, commit to eating them once or twice a month. There are many, and tasty, sources of good carbs and healthy fats. Healthy carbs can be found in bananas, sweet potatoes, yams, beetroots, oranges, kidney beans, chickpeas et cetera. However, there is a myth that carbs are ‘unhealthy’ and that’s all it is, a myth. I had a friend of mine try to go off carbs, and I’ll tell you this for free, most of the good foods have carbs in them, even apples. Although they should be taken in small amounts, they are paramount to a nutritious diet. The only harmful thing is processed carbs. Good sources of good fat include avocados, cheese, dark chocolate, yoghurt, eggs, coconuts, extra virgin olive oil et cetera

3. Eat more proteins. Proteins are the building blocks of muscles. However you ought to eat them after carbs because they can be really filling and therefore prevent you from eating carbs, which isn’t sensible since we are trying to gain weight, not lose. This goes for your vegetables as well.

4. Exercise. With all the eating, this is definitely a must. Otherwise you will just become fat. However you have to be wise with this. What you want is to build muscle, and not all exercises are meant for that, like cardio; you might want to take that easy since all it does is burn your calories. Exercises such as squats, bench presses, lifting weights are what you should focus on, for now.

5. Other ways include enough sleep and quit smoking

Et bonne chance mes amis!

Thanks for reading

Monday, 11 July 2016


I have been looking for a nice kimono (by nice I mean desirable length, cute print and probably other details too. Details add so much pizzazz to an outfit that would be otherwise dull and boring. It’s usually the first thing I look for when I spot any piece while I’m shopping) and the universe was kind enough to grant me this bad babe right here. I cannot overstate how much fun it is, you can put it on absolutely anything! That said, it’s needless to say that you will be seeing it a lot more now henceforth. Just like mom jeans. I love versatile clothes because they feel like a life time investment, know what I mean?
This LBD is old! While the booties, they were bought from h&m by heaven knows who(God bless their soul for deciding to let them go) and I picked ‘em up from gikosh, at an unbelievable price of just 400/- you guys! And they were practically new, not even a scratch! I think I should do thrift hauls.
Anyhoo, have yourselves a lovely week and enjoy the post!

Thanks for reading!
Photo credits:: Sam Ngengi

Monday, 4 July 2016


Many people in this country will attest  to this, you do not have to burn your money to look good! in Kenya, a little sense and a love for thrifting could get you some pretty amazing outfits. It breaks my heart that soon we might have to go to South Africa, or Nigeria *shock emoji* for the sake of thrifting (I am talking about the possibility that secondhand clothes might be outlawed in East Africa) or how did that go, the lawyers in the house? no one? okay, lets just hope that it will be passed when we are old when we'll be caring less but for tobacco and watching sunsets with our old men-not a bad life, eh?
but I digress, am I the only one who finds thrifting so thrilling? This pair of shorts for instance, I got them from Muthurwa(while I was on my way to gikosh.haha) and this top, I bought it a a stall in Kiambu, mostly because it looks ankara'ish, no? but I love it anyway, and this combo especially. It is nice for chilling, a walk with the significant other, or a pet, anything really. It is comfortable enough for a lot of activities.
This shoes(I loooove them). There was a time when gladiator sandals were all the craze and there wasn't a single pair for sale in kenya (because I had looked, and looked and looked some more but couldn't find any) people were shipping them in!(and they still are.but right now, almost everyone owns a pair). Then God saw my agony and came down(in Eldoret) and brought me a pair, or i'd like to think. and just like every treasure, you have to go out and search. so I spotted them while I was out thrifting, you cannot imagine my joy on that day. and the most amazing thing, I got them for a 150 bob only! that's less than $2! halleluyia. granted, they were not the tall gladiators that I desired but they were just fine plus I speak for you and I when I say that this brown shade is jut the shiznit! it goes with absolutely anything!
anyway, enough about this. Have a fun read and a great week!


Tuesday, 28 June 2016


Hey guys, it's is so nice that the weather is finally looking up, but first(had to do that:))
just a quick post about this look. It was the perfect outfit for the super mega cold days that we just experienced. This sweater-that I thrifted while in Eldoret- kept me so warm, I literally needed to let some of the heat out, hence the rugged jeans!just kidding.
I love this jeans BTW. They are my other DIY project that I carried out successfully, and this is where I get dabbed as the queen of DIY!or not, I am fully aware of what people do to satisfy their wishes when the world is not kind enough to grant them.
So, I happened to have like three pairs of black jeans and none of them, rugged! How wrong is that? and so I did what I could to right the situation; YouTube was my bestfriend for this. All I needed was a pumice stone, scissors and some will power and behold! paired with these mustard booties was just the icing on the cake, seeing as to just how much I love contrasting colours, and colours in general, and who doesn't?
anyway, thanks so much for stopping by, do have a colourful day!

Photography:: Sam Ngengi

Monday, 20 June 2016


Heeeyy everybody! How have you been? Much more importantly, how are you dealing with this crazy cold? Where the hell did it come from anyway?  Just when I had returned my heavy jackets to their safe storage, little did I know that winter was actually coming! Jokes aside
This white lace dress is just gorgeous. I love it! I thrifted (if there’s such a word even) it while I was in Eldoret and this shoes? Well, they are my first DIY project-necessity is the mother of invention has never hit home so hard in my life as now. So I have been wanting, badly, a pair of fringe sandals and I could not seem to find any. So I figured that they are also made by a human like moi, and so why not go ahead and make my own?! Luckily I knew where I could get the suede material needed and superglue is the only other material needed and voila! I am now officially a successful do-it-yourselfer and oh-so proud of me. You can do anything you put your minds to ladies-see now, I am even getting inspirational. Lol
This look is one of those that allows you to go to work in, that is if your work allows creativity, and also for a fun night out after. Have a fun read!

Have a great week ahead and much loveYY

photo credits: Sam Ngengi

Wednesday, 15 June 2016


Hello dear reader,
It’s been quite a while since we did this last, hasn’t it? At this day and age, I have come to realize that it is very easy to lose sight of your goals if you lose even the slightest focus. There is so much to do and so less time. It has been months of running away from myself, trying to curve out my niche, cliché but I have been thinking about my goals and sh*t. All those months you ask? Well yes, the curious case of thoughts but no action, sound familiar anyone? no? Well in any case, all that matters is that I am back to doing this thing that has been invading my mind day and night. I cannot run from it any longer. I will not make any promises though, I suck with those
This particular outfit is a bit matchy matchy…recently I have been warming up to colours, warm colours especially and as you can see I love me some mustard! Not the edible one, but the colour. This sweater I bought at such a throw away price while I was in Eldoret (for those of you who know the place, you know how cold and alaska’ish it can get. So it came in very handY seeing as it is so warm and comfortable. The shoes were a gift and the mom jeans? Where do I even start? I think mom jeans are the most versatile thing to ever grace this world, and I think there are ubersexy, don’t you think? So on that note, except more of this mom jeans here..Like way more. Without further ado…….
Have a fun read and merci beaucoup for stopping by.